Mother’s Day Gift Guide for Dad

by | May 6, 2019 | Lifestyle, Motherhood

Mother’s Day has become such an exciting holiday since becoming a mom. It’s truly so special to have an entire day dedicated to honoring mamas!

Most moms don’t give themselves enough credit for all they do, and I think every mom would agree that the best “gift” from her family would be some form of sincere appreciation and gratitude for all she does. However you decide to show that is up to you! But…

Below are some ideas. I’ve included a mix of material items, and some ideas for ways to show your thankfulness and love in non-material ways. At the end of the day, no matter what you end up “gifting” her, just remember to give her a huge hug and tell her she’s a freaking rock star. We all need the reminder every once in a while!

Non-Material Gifts:

  • ALONE TIME! Give her a break for a few hours and let her choose how to use it.
  • ASK HER WHAT SHE WANTS! I know this sounds silly but seriously, just ask her what she wants ahead of time! Some moms would rather trade in a silly candle or material gift for something else that most men wouldn’t even think of, like a trip to the grocery store ALONE! 🙂
  • Hand-made artwork/crafts/cards from you and the kids. Look up Mother’s Day crafts on Pinterest or Google– there are so many adorable ideas!
  • Ease the load of her housework! Do the laundry, clean the house, scrub the toilets, do the dishes. Little gestures like this can be SUCH a relief and such a nice way to give her a break.
  • Make her coffee for her before she wakes up, and offer to make her favorite breakfast.
  • Write her a sweet handwritten letter (or a series of them) and leave it somewhere cute where she’ll find it. Maybe it’s in her car, next to her pillow, or in the bathroom.
  • Make a little “coupon book”! Get creative with the coupons you make. A foot rub, breakfast in bed, an hour to go workout alone, a day off of laundry or dishes, etc.
  • Clean out her car for her! My car is constantly covered in crumbs and trash from my kids. Sometimes my husband will take it and clean it out really well for me, take it through the carwash, and fill it up with gas. It’s SO nice!
  • Make the bed without her asking.
  • Plan a fun family outing and take the burden of having to plan ANYTHING off her shoulders for a day! It can be something super simple like a hike, a lunch date or a movie together as a family. Or maybe your tradition is getting together with extended family on Mother’s Day– either way, plan it yourself so she doesn’t have to.
  • Reach out to her best friend or sister and tell them to plan a girl’s day for her and some of her other friends, and watch the kids while she goes! Sometimes some girl-time can be good for her soul.
  • Think about little things she’s mentioned she’d love, and do something to show you’re listening. Maybe she said something about wanting a garden, so you make a little herb garden for her to wake up to on Mother’s Day. It’s the thought that counts!
  • Write down the reasons you love her and appreciate her on pieces of paper and put them in a jar with a bow on top.
  • Plan a date night and “gift” it to her somehow thoughtfully, like wrapping up a gift card to the restaurant or her favorite store to buy a new outfit to wear.
  • If your baby mama keeps memory boxes for your kids, sneak in there a find a few things that seem extra special and put them into a little frame for her.


  • Make/give her a “self care” gift certificate. Maybe you buy a little Visa gift card and put $100 on it for her to spend however she wants, but insist it has to be on HERSELF!
  • A workout package for whatever she likes (yoga, pilates, Orange Theory, etc.)! Even if it’s just a 5-class pass, it could be amazing for her soul to get some endorphins, have an hour away from the kids, and have some alone time.
  • Flowers delivered to work the Friday before could be super sweet! Write a special note to go with them to tell her you appreciate her.
  • Mani/pedicure gift certificate. I know very few women who wouldn’t appreciate this.
  • Buy her favorite wine and dessert and surprise it for her the night of Mother’s Day.
  • Two words: SPA DAY. Just get her a gift card if you don’t know what type of spa treatment she would prefer. And then MAKE IT HAPPEN for her. Don’t just buy it for her and then let it sit in her purse for a year. Carve out the time for her to actually go and relax, guilt free.
  • A gift card to her favorite store to buy something new for herself (and then let her go shopping ALONE)!
  • Make a photo book of pictures you know will make her smile! This is something she will cherish forever. Shutterfly and Minted are great places to buy these and you can fully customize and order them online.
  • Gifts from Mark and Graham are awesome. They have handbags, jewelry, travel accessories, etc. and they’re great quality. You can also monogram most things, which gives it an extra special touch.
  • Buy this little “What I love about you” book and fill it out for her.
  • If you want to buy her jewelry, find something meaningful somewhere like Etsy. I love this gold bar necklace and you can get your kids’ names engraved into it. This is a bracelet that is custom made using you or your kid’s handwriting!
  • If she loves wine, get her a monthly wine subscription! She should never have to run out of that shit. Even less expensive and potentially more fun– create your own little wine tasting at home!
  • Give her a trip down memory lane and purchase one of these prints! Your Memory Lane uses certain important memories, dates and details you provide them with to create a custom piece of art for you. It’s pricey but I think this is SUCH a fun idea!

If you’re a dad and you’re reading this, GOOD LUCK 🙂 And if you’re a mama reading this, I think you’re amazing for all you do.

Happy Mother’s Day!


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I’m Elizabeth

I’m a wife, a mom of three boys, a stylist, and a not-your-typical blogger. I started this blog as a creative outlet after I left my fun-but-demanding job at an ad agency. It’s grown into such a fun, no judgment, community of women that have become virtual friends.  I am so glad you’re here!

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